Want to Own a New Samsung Chromebook? Read This First

Trudie Christine

The latest Chromebooks solve the dilemma of high-performance computing at affordable prices by providing a reliable, smooth computing experience for much less than an iPad. They're also great gifts for just about anyone on your shopping list. But since high-end laptops are in such demand these days, you'll likely need to either compromise on your budget or purchase refurbished to remain under that $200 price ceiling. There's another way to find the best prices on Chromeos that doesn't require much sacrifice in your budget: head out to your favorite online shopping store and pick up a Samsung Chromebooks for as low as $250.

The low starting price isn't the only reason to consider Samsung Chromebooks. These devices run on the same operating systems as regular laptops, meaning they can be used easily with any of the apps already installed on your computer. They also play well with a new Samsung Play Store which gives you access to all of your favorite apps, games, and media features you use on the web. And because it runs the same Windows OS as your traditional desktop, you'll be able to access the same apps and files you have on your PC without having to learn any new drivers. You won't have to waste time or money learning a different set of commands to operate your Chromebook.

But the best part of owning a Samsung Chromebook is the price. It's just a fraction of the cost of a laptop or Intel-powered PC. You can save more than half off the asking price if you shop around. That's because Samsung ChromeOS laptops are offered exclusively through Samsung authorized dealers who sell directly to consumers. This means you'll never have to pay retail price again for a Samsung Chromebook.

And with so many features available on the latest Samsung Chromebooks, you'll never need to leave the house again. Starting at just over three pounds, these little machines keep running until your next appointment. If you travel often, leave the laptop in your car's passenger seat, you'll have plenty of space to browse the web, watch your favorite videos, or even work on the fly Excel documents. Plus, the Samsung chromebooks with Intel processors offer fast performance and battery life.

But that's not all the benefits you get from owning a Samsung Chromebook. The latest models also come standard with four gigabytes of RAM, a nice upgrade from the previous two-in-one models that shipped with two gigabytes of RAM. Also included is a free terabyte of storage which means you'll never need to fill up this valuable storage space again. Add to this the ability to connect to the internet via a high-speed cellular air card, and you'll never be away from the internet when you're on the go again.

When it comes to buying a Samsung Chromebook, consumers need to take a few things into consideration before deciding which is the best chromebook for them. First of all, the best chromebooks offer seamless integration with their parent company's operating system - meaning you can share information, email, and more between the two devices without hassle. The refreshed HP chromebook offers this same seamless integration, but with an extra layer of depth provided by Windows vista. This means that you can use your existing Windows operating system as the default environment for your Chromebook. If you don't like Windows vista, you can switch easily to android or apple iOS for a different experience.

Plus, purchasing new is always better than purchasing refurbished. Refurbished chromebooks are offered as a result of failed sales of HP chromebook devices. In other words, the operating system has been fixed so that it will run on the latest generation of Chrome OS devices. Although they are used, these refurbished models are still as strong as new. As a result, when you purchase a refurbished chromebook, you get top-notch quality at a fraction of the cost. There's no comparison between new and refurbished in terms of performance - and the savings that you can enjoy make it well worth the switch.

Whether you want a sleek, modern design or a traditional laptop feel, there are numerous choices available in chromebooks. If you're looking for something that will work well with the work that you do, you should definitely consider buying a HP chromebook. You'll also find that most of these models offer the same level of functionality as the new models, so you shouldn't have any problems connecting your notebook or desktop computer to the web. Purchasing a Samsung chromebook could be the key to greater functionality and convenience on the go!