Radiation Safety Standard For Microwave Ovens - A Must Know For Every Consumer!

Aaron Aubert

Microwave ovens have been around for decades, but only recently have microwave ovens surpassed the popularity of conventional ovens. Why are they so popular? There are several reasons, actually.

First, microwave ovens generate high frequencies which are able to penetrate the skin of any living thing, being both electromagnetic and sound. This penetration is what makes microwave ovens effective at heating food in a short amount of time - it allows the heat to be conducted through the food faster than conventional cooking methods would be. It also allows the heat to be spread more evenly throughout the food, which results in more even cooking. Microwave cooking browns foods more evenly, too.

Second, the quality control of microwaves is better than with other forms of radiation. The radiation we're talking about here is called microwaves, which by the way is short for "microwaves," a term that refers to the frequency of the waves. This means there's a little less chance for error in the quality control, which can result in products that do not come out quite as expected. With other types of radiation, this is not a concern because the error can be adjusted, but it is not as easily corrected in microwave ovens.

Third, microwaves can penetrate objects in other forms far better than electromagnetic waves. In general, these objects have far more structural integrity than do electromagnetic waves. So objects made out of non-magnetic materials, such as steel, for instance, will retain their integrity while being cooked in a microwave oven. But objects made out of metallic alloys, including stainless steel, will be damaged by the heat.

Fourth, microwave ovens operate at much higher power levels than conventional ovens would, which allows them to cook at much faster rates. This means you get faster food with fewer efforts. And, Fifth, since microwave ovens only need a small amount of water for cooking, you are left with very few environmental advantages. Microwave radiation is the byproduct of high temperatures. It's the same sort of thing that happens when you overheat your hair in a microwave: You don't need a lot of water to make yourself nice and dry.

Sixth, many health concerns have been cited over the years by those who argue that microwaves produce radiation that is potentially damaging to our health. These include concerns about brain tumors, infertility and retinal degeneration. Although microwave ovens generally do not create a large amount of radiation that would be considered harmful, research has not falsified these fears. However, it should be noted that even with strong precautions, you still stand a good chance of being subjected to some radiation when using a microwave oven. For instance, when the popcorn poppers in your microwave oven are popping, microwave radiation is being produced as well. Plus, the microwave oven is emitting radiant radiation, which can pass through windows, walls, and furniture.

Seventh, while it's true that microwaves do not produce any form of electromagnetic radiation, certain microwaves, such as those emitted by the computer in your microwave oven, could still be harmful. Electromagnetic radiation is the reason that your computer overheats; the microwave oven is emitting microwave radiation. However, this is something you can control because you can set the power to the lowest setting. Also, when you first purchase your microwave oven, the wattage may seem like a good thing, but after several months, you might find that it's no longer helping you save space, either by melting or blowing out your coffee cups, or losing the heat that you so desire.

So, there you have it. Microwave technology and microwaves themselves are fine, provided you know how to use them properly. To keep yourself safe from the dangers of microwave ovens, make sure you follow the radiation safety standard for microwaves. In addition, if you are going to be using your microwave ovens for applications other than cooking, make sure that your microwave energy efficiency rating is high. Finally, try to get your microwave ovens from a company that offers you a warranty. Hopefully these tips will help you stay safe from the dangers of microwaves.